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Investeringsrendement en de business case voor simulatie opstellen

Het gesprek over investeringsrendement in goede banen leiden

If you plan on introducing or growing simulation within your institution, someone in your approval structure is likely to ask, “What’s the Return on Investment, the ROI?” For you to be successful in addressing that issue, experts advise that you find common ground by engaging and involving senior stakeholders from the start.

Senior management seeks solutions to achieve better performance and improve patient outcomes. If you define your gains correctly, using day-to-day goals and metrics, you are more likely to garner stakeholder attention and support early on.

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Making the Case for Medical Simulation:                         7 Steps to Navigating the ROI Discussion

In this article, we share seven steps that will help you manage the kinds of discussions you are likely to have with stakeholders as you seek approval for your simulation projects. Following these steps can form an effective path to success.